Yesterday was the best day ever.
So as on Monday, the worst and 'sort-of' good day.
Let's start on Monday.
So after school, I decided to ride 962 since it was raining. Chit-chatted with Fidil. When suddenly, KABABOOM!! Wahha. We got into an accident. Damn it. Pain sey. People step on your foot. It turned out that the bus hit a traffic light. The whole traffic light toppled and wasn't in use in anymore. It was really a disaster day. So we were still in the bus, the bus driver already got off, without even telling us to do anything. -.- Stupid right? So I shouted "Get off larhs!! Bus driver don't have already what." So everybody got off in the end. =D But soon, we got drenched. Wet. Irritated. Angry. Why you may ask? To make things easier. I'll write in point form.
1. It was raining heavily. And our bags got wet.
2. I was holding on to my purse and handphone. And didn't realise it was raining. -.-I know I was stupid.
3. We didn't get refunded and just tapped our E-zlink card.
4. People were pushing 'round.
Okay. So it was the only 5 points. You may say to yourself. What's wrong with that? Some people go through it everyday!! Well.. Let me tell you. We walked back to school which is like more than 500m away since some guys invited me to take a taxi. But found out that it was full already. And i walked alone back to school. Drenched wet. Being looked at. Luckily, one of my guy friends walked back to Sunplaza with me. =) Thanks Syukri! He was also involved in the accident,fyi. Oh well, at least it was a sort of lucky day for me too. I got A1 for my Science class Test. =)
Nothing much happened. I got A1 for my Geog Class Test too. And was also the highest in class with 2 more pupils. =) And i was also happy that my Geog teacher knows my name. Lol. Oh. And she said. "Aryani's good. I chose the right Geog Rep." =D That's what made me smile all the way till home.
Went window shopping with Wardah today after school. And ended up in the library. We met 2 Sec 2 guys. Saffan and some other guy. And the some 1E2 malay girls. Wahha. It was so funnn. Then, my sis called me to ask if I wanna study at Coffee Bean!! Quickly agreed coz its a long time since I drank Coffee Bean. But i just did with Wardah when we were window shopping. Heck care. At least I drank and paid lots of them. =D But my sis of coz treated me to it when we were studying. Thanks sis!! =D Had loads of fun these three days. Even i feel like having the accident again. Lol. Well. I'm not angry with the accident again. It's time to forget and forgive. =)
Aern't i soft hearted??

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