Hello. [:
People. [:
I wanna cut my hair so so badly.
I wanna thin it and layer it. So so badly.
Heh. Its freaking messy when I let go,
Cause its a hige bundle.
Let me tell you, try taking care of curly hair for a day,
Andd it'll drive you nuts.
I, on the other hand, already have experience for 13 years already,
So its no big problem.
I want straight hair but I want curly hair too. LAWLS.
Why can't I have perfect curly hair every second like other celebrities?
How I wish,
Ohhh how I wish so.

Going out later to study with Afiq!
Woohoo! Finally, someone to go out study with. Phew.
Too bad Zunnur can't.
Neither can Syafiqah.
Guys! I wanna camwhore with you again seyhhhh. ]:
Like those times at Vivo City. Haha.
I still remember the times when we were lost in Orchard Road,
We were practically walking over a km already.
Just to find, FAR EAST PLAZA.
Well, it was fun tho. Haha.
And who was the one who got us lost?
Yes, yourstruly. Haha.
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