Miss me?
I bet you do. ^^
I apologise for the delay of my next post.
Been busy lately. *COUGHS*
So, yesterday, I went for some CPR event. [On Sunday]
With dearest Nadiah.
Both of us had no clue what that is.
Obviously, with Ustazah telling us to come at 6pm.
Uhh. We were there early.
Supposedly, the bus goes at 630.
Ohh well.
We met Yusuf, Haikal and Zahir along the way.
We were talking about it.
I was excited cause I thought we would learn about CPR.
You know,
The mouth-to-mouth thingy.
Then, Yusuf told us it just stands for ;
CPR : Capak Pasal Remaja.
And we were laughing loudly.
Gosh, how can we be any slower?
Fyi, Nadiah was super slow on that day. ^^
I'm done.
Its something like a play.
It was nice. [:
Funny but saddening.
They were talking about how SOME Singaporeans are stingy to the needy.
You know, the rich people.
I said SOME.
Now that they mentioned it, I realised it.
I mean, duh.
You know the underground tunnel from Yishun MRT which leads to Northpoint?
There's always buskers there right?
Thousands of people pass by them, but, how much do they get in one day?
15 to 20 bucks.
And its not even American bucks.
Singaporean Dollars.
Well, that's what they say.
On a report on the net.
How saddening.
*The report wasn't on the underground tunnel*
How much can 15 bucks get you in a day?
Maybe just breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But what about their bills?
You know, water bills, handphone bills, etc. etc.
And even if they have organisations helping them,
Its not enough.
How would you like having your eyes blindfolded for the whole day?
How would you like going around with only ONE leg.
How would you like being OLD and ABANDONED by YOUR OWN CHILDREN?
Huh? Tell me.
So, the next time, you see a busker seeking for donations.
Give it some thought.
I'm sure you can part with 2 bucks right?
Just for a day.
Or even 50 cents? One buck?
But, do give more. Not just freaking 10 cents.
It'd make their day better.
I'm sure.
Zuhaidah, now you know why I like to give?
Now, I've got a feeling that I SHOULD go out wearing tudung.
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