So, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chinese New Year to everyone who's celebrating it. Its beautiful how the Chinese get to celebrate both V Day and CNY on the same day. Cause they get to celebrate it with their loved ones. [: Lucky people. I'm stuck at home. While some people out there are having fun with their friends or loved ones. Sighs. Its so bored here! I'm broke as it is, so, there's no point to go out right? So, any of you have your Valentine for today? I don't. I feel like my heart's being washed away or something. I wanna fade away from life. Just for a bit.

I'm loving Disney Channel today, cause they're showing a movie marathion starting from 5. And its all those classic movies we rarely get to see nowadays, like, Mulan! :D My favourite of them all. Will never get tired of the storyline. Its unthinkable how she get to stand up for her own rights. Brave of her. [: How I wish I could be her. Damn it. I just realised I'm super FAT. I'm eating tons of junk food. And not exercising a bit. I've been failing my 2.4km. And it sucks. 'Cause its embarrassing. My friends get to ace it, why can't I? I'm so freaking fat. GAH. Its so freaking embarrassing, cause I'm always the last few people. ]: And I got freaking 21st for Cross Country. Or was it 22nd?
People may think that its not a big deal to fail your 2.4km. But it is. I see all the dancers having strong qualities. Between a scale of one to ten, I'm like -10! I feel so ashamed of myself. Everytime I dance, I feel like people are swallowing their laughters, just for the sake of not hurting me. I really feel that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. D: Someone, help me. I need someone. Someone. I suck.
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