I've been trying to search the screenshot button.
For hours on my laptop.
And there isn't any freaking one.
Ohh well.
My bestttt friend.Too bad I can't show a screenshot of it.
Posted on her blog bout us. [:
She's so sweet.
Stupid laptop.
So since she blog bout me.
I shall blog bout her.
She calls me spastic. -.-
People told me I have a spastic smile.
Andddd a fake laughter.
Its real lurh.
Anyways, back to the topic.
Where was I?
Ohh yeah.
Syafiqah's a greattttt friend. [:
I love her so damn much.
And I'm proud to be her best friend too. :D
We totally had no fights at all.
Since primary one!
But we have loads of differences.
She's damn smart.Haha. [:
I'm stupid.
She's in a Girls School.
I'm in a mixed school.
She loves Pink.
I love purple!
I'm a geek.
She's a nerd. :D
(We made that up at Vivo)
The common thing between both of us is:
We love Dancing loads. [:
I do hope our friendship would stay strong!
Known since Primary One.
Close friends since Primary Four.
6 years anddddd counting. [:
Not forgetting Zunnur too.
I love you too larhs. xD
I'm at my brother's comp now.
And I finally got the screenshot! :D
Here it is.
Ain't she sweet?
And pretty too! :D
Click on the picture to enlarge yo!!

She edited this.
Damn nice righttt???

I edited this. :D

We'll stay BFF's forever. No doubt. [:
Not forgetting Miza too!!!
Too bad she didn't come with us. ]:
Till then,
Buh-bye. [:
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