First of all,
I wanna wish, Siti Suhailah Bte Salleh,
Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party!
Had tons of fun.
Sorry I had to go off early though.
Anyways, hope you like the present. [:
Let's sing a birthday song for her. :D
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to SuSu,
Happy Birthday to YOU.
Haha, we were having too much fun, I forgot to take pictures. -.-
When actually, I brought my camera. Yeah-ness.
Buttttt, Suhailah has pictures.
Give me hor.

Went out with Primary School peeps.
Namely, Syafiqah, Miza, Hariz, Afiq, Heiqal and Amirul.
We trained over to Bishan.
To go Junction 8.
Since I was itching to play the Arcade over there.
Haha, its funnnnn.
I don't knowww. But the Arcade rocks.
At first, they were all like,
"I'm too old to play arcade."
I was like Wtf.
You're never too old to play any game. [:
Thenn, someone started challenging me to Basketball.
I forgot who it was..
Uhh. Ohh yeah!

So Me&Syafiqah teamed up.
And Hariz&Afiq teamed up.
Andddd, guess what?
The girls won. [:
Thenn, they started to get in the playing mood.
OhMyGee, that sounds wrong. [:
Haha, but anyways, yeahh.
I challenged Hariz to Car Racing.
And he won. -.-
I think it was Syafiqah's first time playing Car Racing.
She was screaming everytime the car hit the grass or something.
Thenn, met Miza at MiniToons.
She came late. Cause she needs to teach her siblings[?]

Thenn we went to Safra. [Yishun]
Since Hariz wanted to play pool.
Sooo, we went back.
Reached there at about 2+?
So, we were waiting for these group of people to finish up.
Andd then the table's ours.
So we waited for like 10 mins tops.
Andd we got it.

Thenn I wanted to play bowling,
So I asked them.
They agreed, and so we got onto the waiting list.
Ohh yeah, I saw Azmil.
Haha. Random.
We got onto the waiting list, which was superbly long.
But Oh well.
Since we got here already, might as well, make the best out of it.
In the meantime, we played two games of pool.
But only the guys, Afiq and Hariz played.
I wanted to try it out.
Soo, I did.
And I was awfully embarrased.
I mean duh.
I don't know how to hold the stick.
Thanks for teaching me guys. [:
Well, Alhamdullilah, only one ball went inside.
Better than nothing righttt?
Cut the story short.
Our turn for bowling.
Got 3rd for bowling.
Walked back to Northpoint.
Met mom.
Carry back the groceries which were damn heavy.
Stepped into the house.
Turned on the fan.
Lied down on the bed.
I'm super bored today.
Someone date me!!
I don't know why, but I love wearing earrings nowdays. [:
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