Ohh, how I love being Emotional these days. :DDD
So, where was I?
Aaaaah yes, Haflah 2009.
Reported 5 mins late.
Cause I was taking my own sweet time to travel from Sembawang to Yishun.
Wahaha. Sorry yeah.
Hopefully no Ustaz/Ustazah sees this. 0.0
If you are, MY APOLOGIES. :D *Waves crazily*
But 5 mins late only whaaaaat. :D
So, was quite disappointed when I found out I got the job of an Usher.
I mean, I don't wanna stand there leading people to thee registration counter.
I wanted 'Container' so badly.
It means taking care of the kids. Wahaha. :D
But ohh well, can't really argue.
So yeahh.
Some people even ignored me when I smiled politely and said "Hello". Pfft.
Basic social etiquette people! Have you forgotten them?
Or they ignored me just because I'm way way way younger than them?
Ohh well.
After all the fiasco, we got a break of over 15 minutes or so.
We sat down.
And this cute toddler, apparently, a girl, came with her mum.
We went all goo-goo-ga-ga over her.
She's so cute!
But apparently, she likes me more than the other girls. WAHAHA. :DDDD
She came up running to me.
YEAHHH! Yani rocks. :D
In your face Nadiah! xDDD Kidding!
Aww, she was so cute! [:
After lunch, we got an hour's break.
Or so.
So, we thought of going to Northpoint to eat AGAIN.
Since, we ate a little.
And we walk-ed over to NorthPoint.
Ate LJS.
Zafirah created some 'new' recipe.
Mayo with Chilli. [It tastes disgusting. xD]
And, Nadiah ate 8 packets of chilli!
Then, I know why they're crazy when they walked back.
They created this "Walk-A-Thon".
Its like brisk walking and they shook their asses off.
Cause NADIAH told us we were somewhat late if we don't hurry up.
She was excitedly counting down the minutes.
And Zafirah joined in the "Walk-A-Thon"
Now you know why I hate Chilli? xDDD
Now, its the Sec4's turn for their graduation.
Turns out that we need to do tons of thing.
When Ustaz gave us our duties.
But then, the seniors took over our duties.
Hoho. So we had nothing to do.
We slacked in the classroom, sleeping for awhile.
Damn nice. The classroom was super cold.
So, obviously, sleeping was a pleasure.
EEK. That sounds wrong. 0.0
After all the graduation thingy, we needed to stay back.
Cause its Ustazah Nisa's last day or so. ]:
We had this little surprise party for her.
Sad seyhh.
After that, went home.
Walked back to Northpoint.
Seperated at Northpoint.
Cause Nadiah taking the MRT.
And I wanted to buy some supper. [For myself, I was still huungry.]
So, went to Ya Kun Ka Ya toast.
Bought Butter Sugar toast.
Ate it at Sembawang MRT.
Reached home. Home sweet home.
Random Pictures all put together on the day of Haflah.
The cute toddler is the one wearing brown. :D
More pics on Facebook. :D
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