Thursday, 14 February 2008

Love is in the air!!

Yesterday luv is in the air!! yes!! yesterday its valentine's day!! Wow its lyk the whole singapore is crazy with valentine's day!! everywhere i went, i see couples walking together the girl carrying either a teddy bear or flower and the boy wearing a big wide smile!!! WOW!! lol.. and jiemin... haiz... everywhere i go i c chocolates!! Well.. the boys gave the girls chocolates!! lol... Cupid cupid wat have u done!! lol bye!!!

Saturday, 9 February 2008

OVer the weekends

Ok so.. my family went to Senai for a holiday. it was so damn fun! we palyed bowling at the resort! the resort was so........ nice!! the nicest thing at the resorts is their cable tv u get to watch AXN there! isn't tat fun! 1 thing i lyk is their bowling alley another thing i don't lyk is i vomitted at my father's car! yucks! gross!!! i hav to complain to myself! i said to myself: Aryani!!! lol.. ok gtg bye!!!!!!! =)

P.S sorry i didn't put pics when i was in senai cuz we 4got to bring the camera! hee

Thursday, 7 February 2008


Hey long time no see!!! lol... Sorry i didn't write for a long time... hey i am busy... ok so dreams DO come true and i thoguht they do not... haiz.. my dream come true!!! not gonna say wat is it *zip* only 1 person knows.. hee.. so its super top secret!! ok.. so.. i have no idea wat to say.. oh ok i know.. so my auntie from thailand came back tos ingapore already!!! yeah!! cheers!! ok ytd is CNY right? well.. mayb my family is malay but we celebrated at my grandmother's house hee... acc.. we celebrated there cuz of family gathering not cny.. XD lol.. ok.. then ytd my auntie from thailand cook MANY delicious food.. i was lyk.. hm,... wat shuld i eat.. ok end of story today.. i thought library is gonna open but i found out it wasn't.. haiz.. ok gtg bb!

Kitten lover signing off!!

P.S erm.. the weekends i'll not be on MSN cuz i'm going malaysia for holidays!! Happy holidays and Happy chinese new year!!!