The month of August
Oh yay!! Can't wait for PSLE!!
Yah right..
I soon realised that there are
limited no. of days to PSLE
So.. being an angel
I studied Science
No.. studied is not a word in my dictionary
Let me rephrase I revised my Science
Ah.. that sounds better
I acc. get a glimpse of Biotechnology
Omg.. how am i gonna memorise all this stuff?
As in this my topic Adaptations are bad.
Why do they have to torture us with this stuff? =(
Oh well..
Can't wait for tomorrow
Watching movie with Zunnur,Syafiqah and Hariz
Sadly Hariz is the only boy =(
But he's happy to go
Yes.. Even though Prelims are coming up
And PSLE oral is too
We went out just to have fun
I still haven't ask my mom yet for permission
Its gonna be a screaming session :o
For a while..
I have lyk tuition 3 times a week
Right after PSLE oral
Don't pressure me anymore
And i told u so
My grades are improving
Except for English
It remained constant... -.-
So.. For tomorrow only? Pls..
Posting some random pics
And when i was cleaning the last cupboard
I surprisingly found a baby pic of me
So.. i took a pic and kept it in my purse
So.. yeah
I'll post here
Don't laugh!!
Wait arhx.. let me upload the pic 1st
I look lyk a chinese girl =P
Congrats to the swimming team of women
From Netherlands
They beat the Olympic record of 3 minutes 44 secs!!
So.. yeah.. congrats
And i am so into the Olympics Games..
I was reading blogs
And I think i found my blog dull..
So. MAYBE i'm gonna change it
In the meantime
I'm still updating my blog
I gotta go
Study for PSLE!!
Haha.. byes!!
Enjoy the pics =)

Yee Ling,Ms Peh And me on Racial Harmony Day =)

Hari Raya 2007 =) Miss those times =)

The Baju Kurung Girls =D Taken on Drama lesson =)
CameraMan: Razi the Head-Prefect =D
Edited by Muah!! =)
Chocolate,Vanilla,Strawberry Ice-cream with Nutella.. Superbly nice =)
Our Hamster eating =)
Our Hamster Sleeping =)
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