Tuesday 12 August 2008

Today was the dry run for PSLE oral
I was pretty confused..
But.. Got my mind set up straight after the run
Had a boring Social Studies Lessons With Mrs Raja
She talked all period long
But didnt care if anyone read a book or did thier hw
How cool is that? =D
So.. On Every Tuesday At 12.00 till 1.00
I always treated it as An Hour-Long Free Period
But stayed in class
Read my book.
Doodled pictures on my notebook
Wrote love notes
Haha just kidding
And unfortunately for me
Kayxon delibrately messed up my hair practically
Evrytime he sees me -.-
My tooth is lyk super painful
Its dangling
A quarter of it still with the gums held on to it
Went to the dentist during recess
And its closed -.-
Pressure's coming to me
Torturous PSLE coming
And phew.. Was it tortorous
Seeing the P6 last year
All stressed up
Makes me stressed up o.o
Oh well
A girl got to do
What's a girl got to do
And yay me I'm becoming photogenic =D
But will post the pics later on
Lazy =P
In the meantime
I'm going to Happeepills.com
I luv Evil Bunny
Try to visit it!!
I've bcome a member of the website
And its super cool..
Games are awesome
His blogging
is funny and nice
Byes!! =)
Sometimes you just have to be yourself =)


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