Friday 7 November 2008

Missed me?
Sorry 'bout the last post.
Was really moody at that time.
Anyways, I'm listening to Jason Mraz,I'm Yours.
He's so dreamy.. =)
I've got all the links right.
All relinked blogs are RELINKED.
So.. I'll be posting MAYBE everyday except weekends.
We have been so busy and tired nowadays
Coz of musical.
From 11a.m. to 5.00p.m. we'll either be dancing or acting.
My legs ache seh.
Remind me to ride the bus tomorrow. =P
Yesterday, Ms Fernandez(Instructor) was super late!!
She came at 3.00p.m.
And while waiting for her,
Shaik got bored and he put in HSM3 CD in the radio.
So then, he taught me some moves.
It was super nice!!
We were grooving away. =P
Actually, shaik was the best. =P
So then, Meiyi and Afiq joined in.
And we were dancing to the music.
We were dancing to "A night to remember" and "I want it all"
And then we sorta "battled" with each other.
Meiyi was with Afiq.
And I was with Shaik.
So then, we battled.
The winner?
Nobody. =P
We just danced happily. =P
Let me tell you
If you hang out with Shaik
You'll be grooving in no time =)
And he's super funny too!! =P
Will be posting much more tomorrow. =)
Byes. =)


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