Here I am, eating surprisingly delicious Banana Chips.
And just yesterday, DANCEWORKS WAS FINALLY OVER. I remembered it like it was just yesterday. It was yesterday dumbdumb. I felt so suckish. But then, people said we were great. Or, were we? Hmmm. Anyhoots, this would be just a short post. Cause I'm awfully lazy, as always.

To Zuhaidah Hussein:
I needed the moral support from my best friend! AND YOU FREAKING CAME! You can't believe how happy I was! :D You helped me with my personal problems yesterday. *COUGHS*
And you stayed through with me throughout the whole day till the results, even though you had the choice to just go home. And you were so scared that you won't get to the 3D2N chalet. I'm so sorry to make you worried. Hopefully, your mum would allow you to. *Amin* Heh. I'm so glad you were there yesterday. :D If I was a guy, I would date you! But sadly, I'm a girl. So no-no. HAHA. I love you till the end! <3
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