Saturday 10 January 2009

Sorry for not posting for such a long time.
One word. Four letters.
Just finished my Literature homework.
1st week of school and yet.
Well.. At least its Literature only.
Anyways.. I'm posted to Naval Base.
And I'm joining Dance Club as a CCA
My resolutions for 2009.

1. Not to be lazy to study. =)
2. Get over and done with something that bothers me. (Not achieved yet.)
3. Stop getting so nervous over little things.
4. Stop hyperventilating when nervous. Haha.
5. Drink lots of water so my Low Blood Pressure is treated. =)

And yes, I have Low Blood Pressure.
Anyways, hope you guys achieve your own resolutions. =)
Can't wait for Madrasah to start tomorrow!!
(My Religious class)
Thanks for lending me a shoulder to cry on. =)


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