Monday 25 August 2008

Note to self:
1) Grab Miza's file and run away tomorrow
2) Update G96 blog
3) Borrow new storybooks
Regarding to Note (1)
Miza adn the others(G96) has been acting strange
After school
They were there with miza looking at something inside
And well.. Felt left out
When over there
And they covered Miza's file
When they saw me behind them
I was lyk.. "WHAT"S IN THERE!!"
Practically shouting
They say nothing
And so..
"OK..." "Weird..."
When they left the file
I go to the file
Grab it and ran to the toilet
Of coz.. 3 against 1
Who won?
Them of coz.. -.-
Regarding note (2)
You guys must be wondering
"What the hell is G96?"
Its basically OUR group thats involved of
Kudos to Afiq thinking up the name.. G96
We have our own blog too!!
So.. yeah we're Forever Friends
We swore that we'll never "break up"
Well.. not really
Here's our blog link Its still under "Construction"
So.. yeah..
Enjoy =)
P.S: Me,Syafiqah,Zunnur And Miza
are grandmas!! Yeah!! Our hamster gave birth to 6
Saw the babies super cute!!


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