Wednesday 14 January 2009

Let me just start this post by saying.
Secondary life is such a rollercoaster.
You'll have your ups and downs.
And anything else you could imagine.
Yeah!! Like at first, you're enjoying yourself with your friends.
And this guy comes up to you and ask for your number. -.-
And that guy doesn't even know your name?
And some people keep cutting your queue during recess or at the bookshop?
Tell me whether you'll get irritated or not!! Huh? Huh?
And.. the older guys would keep disturbing you?
Irritating right?
Yea. But it might have some happy times!!
You could just laugh with your friends.
Play along with your teachers. =)
Having some competitions against each other? Haha.
Today went back to Jiemin to take my Eagles award.
Was soooo happy to see the old school. =)
Teachers,juniors,cleaners. =)
How i wish i was back there again!!
Can't wait for Dance to start tomorrow!!
Rollercoaster. WEE!!


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